笑的哲学 1950~2001作品
Laughing Chushingura
丙烯 Liquitex, 53 x 45.5cm
回想起来,从1951年18岁的绘画少年出发,至2008年的74岁老朽,我的绘画青春已有57年之久(笑)8943;8943; 此次,将其总结,在异国他乡的北京举行本人的首次海外个展。这正是我的一个解禁行为,因为我在名为“日本”的封闭环境里,始终保持着与国际接轨的绘画姿态,以一个被迫打开国门的人的视线,不断的进行地下试验、地下爆发。或许称其为开国宣言更为妥当。
Shinjiro Okamoto’s Panoramic Humour Universe
The Philosophy of Humour 1950-2001
I want to take this inner realm and deliver to Beijing, as an Okamoto-style Japanese painting tour.
Thinking about it, in 1951 a young painter of eighteen started out, now in 2008, at seventy-five, I’m recapping a painting adolescence 57 years long (ha!)… and taking this to a different land, Beijing. As I face my first overseas exhibition, my painter’s attitude is: within the closed environment called Japan (a provincialism within globalism), maintaining an international outlook, the perspective of national isolation flung open; I’m not sure whether I should I call it an underground experiment, or a continued eruption, or another of my declarations to remove the prohibitions, and open the nation. —— Shinjiro Okamoto
笑いの哲学 195012316;2001
思えば、1951年、18歳の絵画少年的出発から、2008年、74歳の57年にも及ぶ私の絵画的青春?(笑) を総括し、今回、異国の地、北京で初の海外展にのぞむ私の絵画的姿勢は、世界の中の地方性、日本とい
—— 岡本信治郎
74 Years old+74 岁
クロスオーバー:交差する時代の魂 + 岡本信治郎の笑うパノラマ宇宙
"笑的哲学|The Philosophy of Humour"
矢柳刚+岡本信治郎连续个展| Consecutive Exhibitions by Go Yayanagi and Shinjiro Okamoto
Tokyo Gallery + BTAP | Beijing is pleased to hold consecutive exhibitions by Go Yayanagi and Shinjiro Okamoto ’Philosophy of Humor (74+74)’.
Today’s perception of Japanese contemporary art cannot be disassociated from ‘Manga’ or ‘Anime’. The popularity of Japanese manga is evident in all corners of the world today, as the word manga itself has established itself as a well-recognized terminology.
Go Yayanagi and Shinjiro Okamoto are pioneers of the manga-movement in that their artwork consist of stylized lines, shadowless, flat surfaces adorned with vivid colours, and contain strong messages with a touch of humor, all idiosyncratic of Japanese pop. Both artists, at the age of seventy-four, cease to loose their creative energy.
We hope you will take this opportunity to see Go Yayanagi and Shinjiro Okamoto’s humor-filled exhibition.
虫世界 或,五十步笑百步
The World of Insects,
Swarm-50 or 100. It Makes No Difference
虫世界 あるいは、大群的五十歩百歩
1933年在东京出生。1954年参与同人杂志『枭』、开始带有漫画性质的绘画创作。1955年获得日本水彩画会展12539;白泷奖。1956年以后作为艺术总监在凸版印刷股份公司工作26年。在这期间,除了参加读卖独立展Yomiuri Independent外,还举办了为数不少的个展。1964年获得长冈现代美术馆展12539;大奖。此后,在国立比赛场发表「十个印第安人」「我的挥刀体验」「虫世界」等作品。
Shinjiro Okamoto
1968年,受日本社团Japan Society 的邀请,前往美国,周游欧洲,并在纽约等美国各地发表作品。1969年获得现代日本美术展12539;开拓奖。1975年,在科学技术馆与矢柳刚Go Yayanagi合展「黄色机器&绿色时代」。次年,在英国国际版画展获得Lunt Humphrey奖。1979年,在池田20世纪美术馆举办「冈本信治郎的世界展-25年的记录」。1987年,在新泻市美术馆举办冈本信治郎的世界展「东京少年」等多次个展。1995年,在鎌仓开设工作室,俗称「笑的全景馆」,他每天早晨骑自行车去工作室。1998年,在神奈川县近代美术馆举办「笑的全景馆」。2001年,在池田20世纪
Shinjiro Okamoto – Artist Biography
Born in Tokyo in 1933, Okamoto participated in coterie magazine, “Fukuro”, to which he contributed cartoon-style paintings. In 1955, he won the Shirataki Prize at the Japan Watercolor Association Exhibition. He entered Toppan Printing Company in 1956, where he worked as an art director for 26 years. Aside from participating in the Yomiuri Independent Exhibition, he held many solo exhibitions. In 1964 he won the grand prize at the Museum of Contemporary Art Nagaoka Exhibition, followed by many solo exhibitions such as “Ten Indians”, “My sword fighting Experience” and “Insect world”.
In 1968, he visited the United States at the invitation of the Japan Society and toured the cities of Europe and United States, such as New York City. In 1969, he was awarded the Frontier Prize at the Contemporary Japanese Art Exhibition. In 1975, he collaborated with Go Yayanagi in “Yellow Machine and Green times Exhibition” (two-person show) at the
Portrait of Unknown Dog
丝网版|Silkscreen, 41 x 55cm
风花雪月 (红组VS白组)
Battle of Snow, Moon, and Flowers (Red Team Versus White Team)
7 plastic spheres, a basket, 100 x 72.7cm
Science and Technology Center in Tokyo. The following year he was awarded the Lunt Humphrey Prize at the British International Print Biennial. In 1979, “The World of Shinjiro Okamoto, Records of 25 Years” was held at the Ikeda Museum of 20th Century Art, in 1987, “Tokyo Shonen”, at the Niigata City Art Museum, among many others. In 1995, he established atelier “Laughing Panorama house” in Kamakura, Kanagawa to which he rode his bicycle every morning. In 1998, he held exhibition “The Laughing Panorama” at the Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura, and in 2001, “Laughing Snow, Moon and Flower”, at
the Ikeda Museum of 20th Century Art. He was promoted to the fifth rank of aikido, in 2002. In 2008, at the age of seventy four years of age, his creative energy has yet to slow down.
岡本信治郎 略歴