2010年4月3日下午3:00 “原始资本Original Sin——房圣易作品展”将于798艺术区3818库内9画廊开幕,此次展览将展出艺术家2009年至今的最新作品。
展览地点:9画廊 北京朝阳区酒仙桥路2号院3818库内
开放时间:周二-周日10:00-18:00 周一参观请预约
Original Sin——Art Exhibition of Fang Shengyi
“Original Sin——Art Exhibition of Fang Shengyi” is going to open in 9 Gallery located in the 3818 Warehouse of 798 Art District at 3:00pm April 3rd 2010. Latest works since 2009 will be shown on this exhibition.
He’s always been interested in the relation between economy and art, hence elements of commercial community such as gold, price tags, bonds and currency often show up in his works. He is also adept at concepts confusing and irony, that can be seen in the works of “Always Within An Ace Of Lust” and “Does Racial Issue Exist?”. He is also suggesting that humans can not get rid of the spiritual leanness and inborn evil. For he believes that salvation serves as a function of art.
Fang Shengyi is also very interested in rapid development of Chinese economy within the last three decades. The main work of this exhibition “Original Sin” is a lateral reconsideration toward the frantic pace of economic growth of the socialism homeland; it is a monumental work of the mode of production that will soon become history. The utilizing, plagiarizing and plundering of intellectual property of advanced civilization by the developing countries, equals to a bald-faced exploitation of developed culture under the premise of identification: this may be the general retribution of the colonizers who possess the first-mover advantages in history. In the series of “Grey Culture”, the blurry surface of image indicates exiting contents. What Fang hints here is the right of life. Although the erotic segments have promoted the appeal of vague pictures, ideology’s interference of public lives occurs in the blurry grey to remind us the existence of supervision and the relativity of freedom. The lack of colors plays a metaphor of the oppression of sensational content.
Fang Shengyi is a young Chinese artist with global vision. He is committed to intervene social reality with contemporary. While caring for the state of social existence, dedicating continuous attention to the evolution of human lifestyles, as well as variety of mental conditions.
Exhibition’s title: Original Sin——Art Exhibition of Fang Shengyi
Venue: 9 Art Space,
3818 Warehouse,No.2 Jiuxianqiao Road,798 Art District,Chaoyang Distric, Beijing 100015 China
Opening: 3rd April 2010, 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Duration: 3 April 2010 through 30 April 2010
Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 10:00am-6:00pm, Monday by appointment
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